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Red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) can be over 1.5 meters tall
become. These marsupials have muscular hind legs and a
powerful tail.
Kangaroos can reach speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour while hopping.
Giant kangaroos live in the dry plains of central Australia and
are the largest marsupials in the world -- can be larger than one
become a grown man! Marsupials give birth to their young when they are still
are tiny, and then carry them around in their pouches until they grow big
enough to survive outside the bag. The boys of
Red kangaroos stay in their mother's pouch for up to a year
are suckled and fed by her there. Red kangaroos are pure
herbivores. As long as they have plant food available,
They can survive without water for a long time. They are nocturnal and
spend the day sleeping or resting. Fights between males
Kangaroos look like boxing matches. They stand on their hind legs and
hit, push and kick each other. Red kangaroos are powerful
legs and can cover up to ten meters in one jump. She
live in groups of thirty to three hundred animals. The females have
a bluish-gray fur with some brown.